To be honest, nobody has a better group of friends than I do, and after you are
done reading this page, then you will see why. In no specific "Order of Preference" here are the great people I have
learned to love and respect, outside of my family.
Kris aka Kiki- I have been friends with you longer than anyone else and we should definately start hanging
out again. I had more fun playing basketball with you than anyone else, and that will never change. I personally loved
it when your old man screamed and shouted at us whenever we would make the smallest mistake on the court, and I think just
about everyone would agree with me. =P
Joey AKA Beethoven- I never would have kept my sanity, through the rough years of high school and junior
high, if it weren't for hanging out with you. At the time, I never laughed harder than when we played baseball at Lockhart
and our did our Jim Brewer impressions to try and distract eachother. "THE HORNS THE HORNS!!!!!!!!"
"The wammy. The wammy!!!"
Adam- You've been around longer than anyone else on this list, with the exception of Jessica, but she's
my neighbor, so that's natural. Some of the people just come and go. Except in your case, you didn't go, and I
am pleased about that. You helped me keep my sanity during the rough days of friendly's. Also, if I didn't know you, I'd have
a totally different life right now. I have no clue what it would be like, and in all honesty, I really don't want to
look back and find out. Thank you Adam.
Joe A- All you have to do, to become friends with this crazy cat, is knock on his door and say "I'm
here for the gangbang" and your on your way to Joey Nirvana. (That means Heavan for those who don't know)
Ahh yes, I remember the days we used to drive through the mean streets of Amityville, with the windows
wide open, and the Weird Al blasting as high as it can go. The next time you hear someone speeding through the streets,
while blasting Weird Al, it's because they are looking up to Joe and me.
All jokes aside, I hope these days never end, b/c it's always a great time hanging out with Just Joe.
PS- He's one heck of a basketball player, if he is really into it.
Sean- Sean, when you, Joe and I are together, it's like Mo, Larry and Curly, revamped. We are that
You are probably my most reliable friend, and still one of my best, while at it.
Hopefully, the crazy times will never end, and maybe we will get another chance to push another shopping
cart with the sex machine. Speaking of carts. I am sure you were quite jealous of my handcart as you were on that slow
wheeled gas cart. That cart and I were like peanut butter and jelly. You and I can never stop being friends.
It would be sad if we did.
Chris- Don't be fooled when you meet this cat, cause Chris is a leviathon. When I think of Chris, I
come up with the word SUPERCALAFRAGILISTICEXPIALADOTIOUS. That says a whole lot my friends.
All jokes aside though, Chris is one of the funniest people to hang around with. And if you need someone
to just chill with, he's there for you. Chris is always good to be around with, especially if you need a good talk.
Jessica- Ahh, my psychotic neighbor. =) I never said this to you, but I am very happy that you
got that job at the Manor East. Not just because you are my first ever successful recruit, (of any of the 4 places I
have worked at) but also because you became my friend. You have just as much respect from me as anyone.I am going on a limb
when I say this, but you are perhaps, the nicest girl (Outside my family) that I know. You've helped out a lot.
Mac- If it weren't for Sean, I would have never met you, so therefore, I thank God for Sean (Many other
reasons obviously!) We've been hanging out a lot more lately, and talking just as much. It's so much fun to chill with
you, and it would be ashame if you ever moved to Florida again. While you are funny as hell, you are also spirited and intelligent,
and much more. You're a good man, Mac and I am glad we are friends!
Edgar- He really is Jesus, the savior, and anyone who disagrees is gay. You don't really come out that
often, nor do I get a chance to speak to you, very much, but when you do chill, it makes it all worth it. You are one
of the funniest people I've hung around, and I enjoy it when you come out, more than most people.
You are also a gifted athlete. You wont play a sport for 3 years, but you will play awesome, when
you finally do play. Specifically, basketball, but I've seen you do awesome in baseball too.
Lynn- The newly aquired clan member. We officially became friends when we started working together at Friendly's, but
son of a gun, we also knew eachother from beforehand. We were in a couple of classes together (Music theory and Human Sexuality)
back when we attended Nassau. It's been a fun ride with Lynn so far, and hopefully, we can keep it up. I also just wanna say
that she is going (and already is) as great a mother as one female can be. She's got one bright as hell future ahead of her,
and credit and a whole boat load of respect is what Lynn gets from me, as well as my friendship.
Jim- If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been hanging out with most of the people on this list, unless
if Joe and/or Sean came up to me at Lockhart or Brady and asked me to chill. You helped me become a much better basketball
player, by teaching me the importance of a solid low post game. Now, it's time for me to add the finesse, with my gradual
weight loss.
Matt- THE BUS!!!!!! Matt is the man folks. He lets us come to his home, in the Poconos every Summer,
with a smile on his face. I am very thankful for this one. I love you man.
Matt also got that job at the beach for me, last Summer, and that helped me out, financially, big time. If
I never said thank you for that, I am now. THANKS MATT!!!
Be careful when your playing basketball with this crazy man. You can play your absolute hardest
D, and he will score on you. Let me let you in on the secret though, folks. Just step aside, and he will miss
the layup. =)
Cathy- I have actually known you since 5th grade, when we were in Dr. Silvermans class together.
Although, we didn't really become friends then, who knows if that class did actually help create an impact on our current
Currently, you are probably my best female friend right now, as you always seem to care what's going
on in my life. It's also always great as hell to chill with you outside, or at work, in the ME. Oh, and thank
you for inviting me to your house on Easter. That means a lot to me. =)
Linda- Over the past month, I have gotton to know you a lot more, and our friendship has strengthened,
which I am greatful for. I feel like your one of my smartest friends, which makes me hope that our friendship will last
for many years to come. I am quite glad that we have become compadres (Spelling?)
Jackie- I haven't spoken to you or seen you, much, lately, but don't think I am not as equally appreciative
of you, as I was 5 or 6 months ago. Through thick and thin, you've been there for me if I needed someone to talk to.
When we joke around with eachother, our conversations are lively and animated. It's hard not to love you Jackie.
Hopefully, we start talking more, again, soon.
Erica- Erica, it is absolutely inexcusable to miss me and Sean taking golf swings in the complete dark
at Burns Park, and also not being awake to see me push a shopping cart with the Sex Machine, in the Pathmark Parking lot
What was going on in your mind???
All kidding aside, I have so much fun when you hang out, and the truth is, your one of the sweetest
girls I know.
Roe- You should have been on this list a lot sooner, than right now, and that is my fault. You are truely
a wonderful person, and if you hung out more often, life would be much more pleasant. It's great that we've been able to get
to know eachother much more, and hang out and talk, as much as we have, recently, and hopefully, it increases even more. Everyone
should take a page out of Roes book!
Susan- You are one crazy crazy woman. =) It was good we finally got to hang out at the Crazy Donkey,
and we should definately do it again, sometime.
You helped me realize that thinking too much can cause me to go insane at times, so I applied that to
my life, and it definitely helped out. Sometimes, I don't know what I would do without you. =)
Tom, AKA Shinjo- Yes Tom, it is true: You are the Asian Sensation. It was YOU that helped
me realize that there is so much in me, when it comes to basketball. You have helped make my jumpshooting sky rocket.
As for you, your game is lethal at times. You can bring just about everything to the table, and you
have the potential to be the best player I have played with. Don't look back though, because I am catching up.